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I ordered a pair of cow print sandals and I was not happy with the variation of cow print on the pair I received, they were mostly solid brown which I sent them pictures of. I requested to exchange them for a different pair but they denied letting me exchange them, they claimed shipping cost were too much. After emailing them back and forth disputing not letting me exchange them I just requested a refund. They then offered me 10% off my next order, I said I would accept that only if I could get free shipping. They said they would reimburse my shipping after I placed my order. I then ordered another pair and this time I did receive a better cow print variation. I feel like they could have handled this better. They could have let me exchange them instead of making me order an entirely new pair, I was reimbursed for shipping in the end which they tried to say would cost too much to exchange? In my opinion this was poor customer service.